Our case studies

2,500+ vape industry suppliers to find their match with buyers in China
Meet Vape Show, the hybrid exhibition platform, to help IECIE with gaining global influence in the vertical area of electronic cigarettes
20,000+ verified buyers to find a match with food&beverage suppliers
Meet Food&Beverage Networking Platform for Chinese suppliers to expand their international buyer network
30,000+ engagements in digital for large-scale cleaning and hygiene trade show
Meet cleaning and hygiene platform digitalising trade show experience in China to address the COVID-19 restrictions
2,000+ psychological consultations to support the victims of war
Meet the Foundation for Adaptation to Peaceful Life, the NGO using EventsWallet to provide psychological help to the victims of war
200+ companies opening to the world with Brave Business matchmaking platform
Meet Ukrainian Brave Business - B2B platform that aims to connect Ukrainian manufacturers with reliable overseas partners to support Ukrainian business and raise awareness
Millions of investments opportunities at UA Ecosystem Day
Meet UA Ecosystem Day by Ukrainian Startup Fund, a pitching opportunity for the most fabulous Ukrainian startups and investment opportunities for local and international venture funds