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What users say about EventsWallet
The event was very well organized and EventsWallet did a great job. We were very pleased to be able to remotely contact distributors in Asia in advance and arrange meetings at the event
Franklin Andrade
Franklin Andrade
International Sales Manager, Labyes S.A.
The EventWallet worked flawlessly. We were very impressed with the results and how easy it was to attract new leads and organize our schedule for the event
Anna Korneszczuk
Anna Korneszczuk
Export Business Development Manager, Vet Expert
It was only thanks to Events Wallet that we remembered the event. And using it during an event made it much easier to gather contacts and discuss potential collaborations
Stefanus A.S.C
Stefanus A.S.C
Business Development PT, Medion ardhika bhakti
Upcoming events
23 трав. 2023 — 25 трав. 2025
The E-world presents itself as a comprehensive and, above all, qualitatively sophisticated communication platform "on the topic of energy & water", in Essen. High-ranking representatives from industry and politics, decision makers and investors made the most of the opportunity, within the scope of the trade fair in Essen, to gather information on current market developments in the field of energy and water and to establish business contacts with promising future prospects. The interaction of leading trade fair and high-ranking congress bilds up synergies that turn the E-world energy & water into an inchpin for the International Energy Sector. Energy Generation Energy Supply Energy Management Trade Energy Engineering Research and Development Renewable energies Water Management Sewage Water Technology
30 квіт. 2024 — 31 груд. 2025
Ласкаво просимо до Спільноти Українців в Португалії! Welcome to the Community of Ukrainians in Portugal! Наша платформа об'єднує українців, які були вимушені виїхати з країни до Португалії! За кілька простих кроків ви знайдете потрібний сервіс або відповідь на питання. Перейдіть до лівого меню для: - Контакти: шукайте цікаві контакти, знайомтесь, плануйте зустрічі, потім спілкуйтесь у віртуальних залах; - Конференц зал: дивіться вебінари в прямому ефірі та презентації сервісів; - Експо зал представляє державні установи та волонтерські центри; - Новини: слідкуйте за новинами спільноти; - Обговорення: ставте питання та спілкуйтесь зі співвітчизниками. Our platform unites Ukrainians who were forced to leave their country for Portugal! In a few simple steps you will find the right service or answer to your questions. Go to the left menu for: - Contacts: look for interesting contacts, get acquainted, schedule meetings, then communicate in virtual rooms; - Conference hall: watch live webinars and presentations of services; - The Expo Hall represents government agencies and volunteer centers; - News: follow community related news: - Discussion: ask questions and communicate with others.
04–06 берез. 2025
Printpack alger goes bi-annualAlgeria’s 3rd International Printing and Packaging Technology Trade Fair …   … will now be designed as a bi-annual event taking place in the even years (2010, 2012, 2014, …), leaving the odd years for similar events in the region such as “Gulf Print+Pack” in Dubai in April 2011, 2013, 2015, … and “Siagra” in Casablanca, May/June 2011, 2013, 2015, …   Another value added: Algeria’s 3rd International Printing and Packaging Technology Trade Fair will be held in conjunction with plast alger 2012, Algeria’s 2nd International Plastics, Rubber, Composites and Conditioning Trade Fair. printpack alger 2012 will be organised by the German trade fair specialists fairtrade and its German-Algerian team. fairtrade operates a daughter company in Algiers already since 2003. ISO 9001:2008 certified, and being a member of UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, fairtrade organises events according to the UFI quality norms.  
06–09 черв. 2025
Watch and jewellery makers are constantly looking for new techniques and new products to meet and satisfy our modern society’s requirements. EPHJ (Watchmaking and Jewellery Professional Environment), designed by and for professionals, is, since 2002, the only world annual gathering of all professions involved in the manufacture and development of finished products in the areas of watchmaking and jewellery. Customers and suppliers have a vital need, at a well-chosen time of the year, to have, once a year, a meeting between suppliers and customers. Both gain a lot of time by getting together during four days, allowing them to increase contacts with an economy of travel. Who is EPHJ intended for? Exhibitors: EPHJ brings together the entire international profession represented by the trades and companies upstream and downstream from the finished product: Training, Creation, Design, CAD, Raw materials, Machines, Tools, Production, Microtechniques, Control devices, Components, Packaging, Display units, Management, Marketing, Communication, Advice, Services, … Visitors: They are represented by all the international professionals and clients who are looking for new solutions from this group of specialists for the elaboration, manufacture or showcasing of their products. With the additional EPMT show (Professional Microtechnology Environment), EPHJ wants to gather all Swiss and international companies (20% currently) working in micro and nano technology and this, for all application areas, including: Watchmaking – Aerospace – Automotive – Medical technologies (including dentistry and orthopedics) – Metrology – Optics / Photonics etc …. This show has the very important advantage for many companies to be the only one to combine watchmaking and microtechnology, to have this twinning that is a definite asset. Trade and business platform that had become, according to professionals, unmissable, multi-area and multi-technology, horizontal and transverse, EPHJ-EPMT is the most important annual event in Switzerland in the field of high precision and microtechnology (about 550 direct exhibitors in 2010) and is destined to become also one of the most important in Europe.
25 серп.
APATS is a conference that brings together experts from the aviation industry to discuss best practices in pilot, cabin crew, and maintenance training. The event features conference streams, networking opportunities, and an exhibition showcasing the latest products and services in training.