
Онлайн Швейцарія Вересень 2023

6 заходів




01–10 верес. 2023
After the big anniversary show last year under the motto "D'OHA moved" it is also at the 51st Edition of the fair tradition Thun refreshing to and fro: "The OHA refreshes" - this year's OHA-topic will not let anyone cool. The main attraction is the special "Ice World": On 250 square meters, ice and light together in perfection. For this show to give the Dutch sand artist making a comeback: 2006 inspired the builders van de Sand Sculpture Vlag at the OHA with the Thun Castle Hill in XXL format, the audience. This year, set the "Oranje" not on sand but on ice - and pimples for ten days together, the largest city of ice exhibition in Switzerland. At temperatures around minus four degrees is a small town with a village square and village well - built, including bakery, hairdresser and butcher. About 35 tons of ice will be used by Jeroen van de Vlag and his team. So everything is energy efficient as possible on the OHA-stage, the basement of Hall 1 is converted into a cold room. The specially built for the special exhibition room is cooled with water and solar energy. With the cooling water is then also the pool area at the OHA Beach heated.
16–17 верес. 2023
The XXXIII. International Conference on Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The International Refereed Conference Proceedings will be blind peer reviewed by three competent reviewers and indexed by Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), Google Scholar, Scopus, Compendex, Thomson Reuters, WorldCat, EBSCO, GALE,  Embase, Reaxys, Engineering Village / Engineering Index (EI), Library of Congress, British Library, Electronic Journals Library will be internationally distributed both in Electronic CD-ROM Format  and  Proceedings Book.
16–17 верес. 2023
The XXXII. International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Mathematical Biology and Ecology, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. ICMBE 2012 has teamed up with the International Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences for publishing a Special Journal Issue on Advances in Mathematical Biology and Ecology. All submitted papers will have opportunities for consideration for this Special Journal Issue. The selection will be carried out during the review process as well as at the conference presentation stage. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. The final decision will be made based on peer review reports by the guest editors and the Editor-in-Chief jointly.
21–24 верес. 2023
What matters when building or renovating, shows the popular public-exhibition BUILD HOUSING + again in all its diversity on the Lucerne Allmend. It is aimed at homeowners, prospective clients, architects and planners as well as the whole family, which tips and lifestyle trends in construction, residential, want to track down the garden and spa. A building renewal comfortable, energy-saving and pollution-free, to fulfill a garden or terrace request, the bathroom or new kitchen plan wisely - they are 300 exhibitors experts in their field, observe trends, know the product innovations and visitors ensure that expert advice. Look forward to four exciting days of the show in the fall. Nowhere else in Central Switzerland are quality, price and service in an area of ​​000 m2, 16 'so concentrated and easily comparable, as in the fair BUILD HOUSING + in Lucerne.
21–24 верес. 2023
Planen Sie einen Neubau oder suchen Sie ein bestimmtes Objekt und möchten sich über die Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten informieren? Der Besuch der Eigenheim-Messe Schweiz bringt Sie schneller ans Ziel. Im Rahmen dieser Messe zeigen Ihnen Systembauer und Architekten ihre Projekte und Konzepte. Sie erhalten Gesamtlösungen und werden individuell und kompetent beraten. Banken und Versicherungen vermitteln ihr Know how und orientieren über Hypothekarmodelle und die Möglichkeiten der Baufinanzierung und Amortisation. In den Messehallen nebenan erfahren Sie an der Bauen & Modernisieren das Neuste über aktuelle Bau- und Wohntrends, mit vielfältigen Sonderschauen und Fachvorträgen ergänzt, um Ihr geplantes Bauvorhaben gut informiert angehen zu können. 
28 верес. — 02 жовт. 2023
Many thanks to 500 dedicated exhibitors and around 100,000 visitors interested in the 59th WEGA! Currently: Impressions of the 2010 WEGA These were the highlights of the 2010 WEGA That was the program of the 2010 WEGA These were the exhibitors at the 2010 WEGA That was the WEGA-host Region 2010: Melchsee-Frutt