
Заходи Мандри, розваги, відпочинок, спорт Чехія 2022

2 заходів




20–23 жовт. 2022
the greatest tourist industry presentation with an emphasis on regions in Central Europe comprehensive presentation of regions and tourist areas in the Czech Republic and abroad, tourist offices and agents and National Tourist Boards excellent programme of accompanying events including lectures, workshops, seminars, press conferences, etc. presentation for over 32 thousand visitors from more than 33 countries increasing numbers of international visitors from the travel trade sector
03–06 листоп. 2022
The International Show of Caravans and Mobile Homes belongs to the most significant events of its sort not only in the Czech Republic but also in Central Europe. Thanks to a mutual cooperation with the CARAVAN SALON Düsseldorf it has acquired, within a short time of its existence, a leading position in the show calendar. A proof of it was also its 3nd run which was record breaking in both the exhibition area occupied and the number of the visitors. Altogether 33 exhibitors presented their products and services on a 18 % larger area than in 2004. Every year Caravaning Brno offers a complete survey of mobile homes, trailers, accessories - simply everything inseparably belonging to a touring on four wheels. The credo Caravaning = lifestyle is ever more applicable.