
Заходи Енергозбереження, екологія, очищення, утилізація Австралія Вересень 2023

9 заходів




The Great Outdoor Expo delivers top-notch exhibitions in regional Victoria, creating unparalleled in-person business opportunities. Their team prioritizes customer satisfaction, tailoring solutions to ensure exhibitors have a successful experience. They value exceptional service, respect, and integrity for mutually beneficial outcomes.
The Great Outdoor Expo delivers top-notch exhibitions in regional Victoria, creating unparalleled in-person business opportunities. Their team prioritizes customer satisfaction, tailoring solutions to ensure exhibitors have a successful experience. They value exceptional service, respect, and integrity for mutually beneficial outcomes.
There are three ticket options available for GPs and healthcare professionals to attend the GPCE conference. The conference program is designed to meet high standards and offers various modules in required areas. The program supports GPs in earning a significant portion of their CPD requirement in one weekend. The conference is highly regarded for its excellent speakers and organization.
The IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering (MEWE) Specialist Group promotes the rational and effective engineering of open microbial systems in the water cycle using emerging technologies and concepts in microbial ecology.
The current theme acknowledges the intricate nature of environmental health challenges, the overlapping disciplines involved, and the significance of collaboration in overcoming these obstacles.
The top waste and resource recovery event in Western Australia is still organized by the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR), Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), and Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA).
The Building Physics Forum covers topics such as air movement, thermal performance, moisture control, energy, acoustics, lighting, solar control, climate, and biology. It offers the chance to connect with experts, gain industry insights, and understand its goals and future direction.