
Būsimi renginiae Portugal

3 events
30 bal. 2024 — 31 gruod. 2025
Ласкаво просимо до Спільноти Українців в Португалії! Welcome to the Community of Ukrainians in Portugal! Наша платформа об'єднує українців, які були вимушені виїхати з країни до Португалії! За кілька простих кроків ви знайдете потрібний сервіс або відповідь на питання. Перейдіть до лівого меню для: - Контакти: шукайте цікаві контакти, знайомтесь, плануйте зустрічі, потім спілкуйтесь у віртуальних залах; - Конференц зал: дивіться вебінари в прямому ефірі та презентації сервісів; - Експо зал представляє державні установи та волонтерські центри; - Новини: слідкуйте за новинами спільноти; - Обговорення: ставте питання та спілкуйтесь зі співвітчизниками. Our platform unites Ukrainians who were forced to leave their country for Portugal! In a few simple steps you will find the right service or answer to your questions. Go to the left menu for: - Contacts: look for interesting contacts, get acquainted, schedule meetings, then communicate in virtual rooms; - Conference hall: watch live webinars and presentations of services; - The Expo Hall represents government agencies and volunteer centers; - News: follow community related news: - Discussion: ask questions and communicate with others.
Together with all members of the ESDR board, I look forward welcoming you in the beautiful city of Lisbon for the 53rd edition of the ESDR annual meeting. Our Program Committee, chaired by Neil Rajan, has prepared a superb scientific agenda with many renowned keynote speakers representing all major fields in investigative dermatology and new formats which will add to the meeting a novel dimension.
Advanced Therapies Europe is an annual conference dedicated to the rapidly evolving field of cell and gene therapy, regenerative medicine, and immunotherapy. The conference provides a platform for leaders in the industry, researchers, and clinicians to discuss the latest research findings, emerging technologies, and clinical trials. Attendees can participate in keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops, offering opportunities to learn and connect with peers. The conference also includes an exhibition hall, providing a forum for networking and partnership building. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, Advanced Therapies Europe is a must-attend event for professionals who are looking to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in cell and gene therapy, regenerative medicine, and immunotherapy.