
Events Lorient August 2023

1 events


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04–13 Aug 2023
A major festival for the Celts and others! The Festival interceltique, organized first in Brest and Lorient now installed, is the annual gathering of creators of Celtic countries: Each year, 4,500 artists and groups are present on average in this rendezvous on the Breton port: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man, Cornwall, Asturias, Galicia, Brittany, not to mention other training came from the rest of monde.Au program: the Celtic music of course, with traditional musicians, classical, folk, jazz, rock, but also singers, dancers, painters, sculptors, writers, filmmakers, speakers that spread through throughout the city to accommodate as it should be the 500 000 spectators. We offer a series of events spread over 17 day in different rooms of the Palais des congrès de Lorient.