Онлайн Транспорт, логістика Geneva International Motor Show

14 лютий 2023 - 19 лютий 2023
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Про подію
Functional, versatile, economical and ecological: no matter how divers the demands placed upon them are, the vehicles on display at the Motor Show cannot ignore the human element. Factors such as the pleasure of driving, liberty of movement and design nonetheless remain every bit as important. The Management of the Motor Show have chosen a young woman at the wheel of her cabriolet to illustrate the 81st edition of the Motor Show. The poster conveys light-heartedness and good humour.     The advertising agency Polyconsult has demonstrated an important sensitivity to currently popular trends. Once again, this group from Bern has won the competition to design the poster for the Geneva International Motor Show.
Місце проведення
Адреса: Швейцарія