
Конференција Atlanta, Сједињене Америчке Државе 2023

27 events

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Come and be part of the OPTAVIA Community's enthusiasm for Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time®, at OPTAVIA Convention! Boost your Coaching business and find fulfillment in assisting others in their journey towards Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time.
Sea Island, located off the coast of Southern Georgia, offers a private tropical island experience with peaceful surroundings, a variety of activities, and Southern hospitality. The Cloister provides exclusivity and amenities, while also being close to neighboring St. Simons Island for additional golf courses, restaurants, and shops. The resort features five miles of private beach, as well as fishing, kayaking, tennis, ballroom dancing lessons, skeet shooting school, dining options, and a spa.
An artist known for working on popular cartoons like The Simpsons, Powerpuff Girls, Peanuts, Ren & Stimpy, and Spongebob Squarepants, among others, will offer free autographs for up to five items. They have also worked for various comics and are available for custom sketches and artwork. Additionally, they are the creator and colorist of the comic Zen Vs Zombies and have experience in horror art, illustration, colorization, and photography.
Effective business communication is crucial for gaining support, making informed decisions, and achieving results. Improve your conversation skills with an accredited seminar from the American Management Association.
The InterFace Seniors Housing Southeast event is the largest and longest-running in the region, with seven information sessions and ample networking opportunities for professionals in seniors housing across 11 states.
Thank you for organizing an outstanding conference. It was a well-structured event, and attending for the first time was a great experience. I look forward to future participation. It's the ultimate destination for Chefs from various outlets, offering a customized experience.
Midtown and Downtown Atlanta represent the Urban Center of the metro area. While similar, they have key differences. Midtown is leading in development with office space, residential units, hotels, and retail. Downtown is experiencing momentum in major developments, with investment in residential, hotel, and mixed-use projects.
The QSR Evolution Conference caters exclusively to the needs of quick-service restaurant operators, making it the sole event of its kind.
SDSC is a data science R&D conference showcasing experts and researchers from leading companies and institutes. Speakers are chosen by an advisory board based on their contributions to the field.
Join us for our 8th annual conference! Located in Atlanta, GA, the Sex Down South Conference provides sexuality workshops taught by educated and amazing presenters from around the world. Enthusiasts join in the fun and learn from the best - all while doing it in an inclusive and loving environment. As we hope that the COVID-19 pandemic slows its roll, we are taking note as a lot of us have had to deal with mourning the deaths of our loved ones, recovering from COVID-19, and moving into a whole new world full of countless possibilities. As we're moving on the tail of The Great Resignation and into The Great Reimagination, we know that we can't move forward without healing ourselves and restoring our bodies and our work so that we can see the Sexual Revolution as we see fit. This year is about coming together in love (like always) and giving each other the love, healing, and encouragement needed to feel full. Come play with us, be restored and brand new again!
This conference has been the best I've attended in my 22-year career as a PT. It was an inspiring weekend that has already made a significant impact on my life. - Emily M.
The KESSA Conference, organized by the Kenya Scholars & Studies Association will take place from 7th September to 8th September 2018 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, United States Of America. The conference is organized to promote scholarly, scientific and research work in or about Kenya in all scholarly disciplines and persuasions, and encourage and facilitate the dissemination of information, publications, and other scholarly work.
The Atlanta Cyber Security Summit brings together executives in charge of safeguarding their companies' infrastructures with leading solution providers and renowned experts in information security.
The CREW Network Convention and Marketplace is an annual event that connects over 1,200 commercial real estate leaders for deal-making, networking, education, and leadership development. It is ideal for those seeking to expand their business network and stay updated on industry trends, technologies, and projects.
SecDev is a venue for presenting ideas, research, and experience about how to develop secure systems. It focuses on theory, techniques, and tools to "build security in" to existing and new computing systems, and does not focus on simply discovering the absence of security.
Оглашавање, маркетинг, штампа Пољопривреда Архитектура Лепота, мода, одећа, козметика Бизнис, финансије, банкарство Култура, Уметност Дизајн, поклони, намештај Електроника, Електрични производи Храна, пиће, паковање Здравство, Апотека Хоби, занати Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство ИТ, Е-трговина Накит, луксузна роба Деца, играчке Филмови, позориште, ТВ Музика, плес Остало Лични развој, психологија Некретнине, инвестиције Сигурност Наука, образовање, проналасци Друштво, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Путовања, забава, слободно време, спорт Хемијска индустрија, пластика и гума Сајмови потрошача Уштеда енергије, заштита животне средине, екологија, пречишћавање, коришћење Индустрија догађаја Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi Мултисекторски догађаји Нафта, гас, рударство Онлине сајмови Снага, енергетика Главни догађаји