
Konferenca Berlini, Gjermania Shtator 2023

30 events
IFA+ Summit is IFAs think tank dedicated to our digital future. Each year the convention gathers leading thinkers, global trendsetters and creative visionaries who draw inspiration for the next exponential technologies and share their thoughts on the upcoming decade. The IFAaº Summit stands for new visions, disruptive ideas and inspiring entertainment for a data-scripted world. The summit discusses topics are a social contract for the digital age, smart connectivity, blockchain and new era of autonomy, on learning machines and smart robots, new experience spaces and smart design, and etc.
Join us for the International Conference of Consumer Technology in Berlin, part of the IFA fair. Learn about new challenges in connected systems and the impact of the metaverse on consumer technology, supported by user surveys.
The globally recognized scientific conference, in cooperation with the Information Technology Society within VDE (ITG), will be held as part of IFA. It brings together researchers, engineers, and industry professionals to exchange information and results on consumer technology. Additionally, it serves as a platform for sharing ideas, designs, and experiences in the innovative environment of IFA.
The European railway industry's top conference will feature notable speakers and workshops, with over 1,400 rail experts and decision-makers in attendance. Representatives from all levels of the industry and politics will be present, with an emphasis on digitalisation for innovation.
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research strongly denounces Russia's assault on Ukraine. The Leibniz-IZW is a prestigious German research institute known globally. Through advanced assisted reproduction technologies, 29 northern white rhino embryos have been produced and preserved for future transfer to a surrogate mother. The BioRescue research project is primarily supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Understanding this procedure is essential for enabling the creation of male germ cells "in the test tube." Until recently, evidence indicated that throughout their evolutionary history, gammaretroviruses like Murine leukemia virus had not inhabited their genomes, unlike most other mammalian orders. This colonization process is referred to as retroviral endogenization and has led to approximately ten percent of mammalian genomes being composed of retroviral-like sequences.
Join us in Berlin, Germany for MRMW, a conference featuring live discussions, case studies, round tables, and networking sessions. The MRMW concept offers personal development, networking, and business opportunities.
Insight in the Age of Connected Intelligence"Join us in Berlin, Germany for MRMW, where you can engage in live discussions, case studies, round tables, and networking sessions. The MRMW concept offers personal development, networking, and business opportunities. A Procter & Gamble Analytics & Insights Director describes it as a fabulous conference showcasing industry breakthroughs.
CECRA and Infopro Digital Group are hosting the #CONNECT Europe event in Berlin where European dealer groups, repairers, and automotive experts will discuss the future of the industry. Imaweb and PPG will also showcase their innovative digital solutions for the automotive sector. WYZ offers digital solutions to boost tire sales in the automotive distribution industry. They also provide efficient workshop reception tools and personalized websites to enhance consumer sales.
European Microwave Week offers access to the latest products, research, and initiatives in the microwave sector, along with the chance for face-to-face interaction with leaders shaping the future of microwave technology.
The European Radar Conference encompasses military and civil radar technologies, focusing on microwave applications. It includes discussions on waveform generators, signal processing, antenna systems, imaging, object classification, diversity techniques, radar types, radar networks, and radar technology, systems, and applications.
Chemical and process engineering and biotechnology experts in Berlin will discuss the latest trends in research and industrial applications, focusing on providing innovative solutions for various sectors while promoting sustainability. The conference will bring together professionals from Europe and beyond, including scientists from industry, universities, and research institutions. Over 2,000 experts will attend from fields such as chemistry, process engineering, and biotechnology. The conference has been held every two years in different locations since its first meeting in Florence, Italy. Attendees can expect interesting presentations, networking opportunities, and a diverse range of exhibitors and sponsors.
Microwave technologies have become integral to the automotive industry, with applications like keyless entry and tire pressure monitoring systems. Automotive radar, operating at 77 GHz, entered the European market in 1999. In 2019, the European Microwave Association (EuMA) organized the Automotive Forum as a platform for experts to discuss technical aspects, concepts, radar architectures, and market issues. The forum includes presentations, discussions, and networking opportunities.
The focal point is a 90-minute moderated panel session featuring female industry representatives. They will share career insights, company information, and offer advice for aspiring professionals. Afterward, we will embark on a distinctive sightseeing tour of Berlin guided by Berliner Unterwelten. The tour will cover various intriguing locations including Flak Towers, Mountains of Debris & Bunkers, Subways, and the Cold War.
Pervasive connectivity is a major trend in society, impacting daily life and business operations. Efforts are being made to provide high-quality connectivity to people on the move or in remote areas. Information superiority is crucial in modern warfare. This forum brings together experts to discuss the latest trends in delivering connectivity to moving platforms, even in congested and contested spectrum access. The topics will be addressed from the perspective of satellite network operators, antenna technology providers, and defense-related airborne networks. Enjoy invited talks, lunch and learn sessions, and panel discussions.
Presentations include Open6GHub Germany, addressing sub-6 GHz to THz spectrum; millimeter-wave and sub-THz technology for 5G and 6G; energy-efficient 6G transceiver architectures; and the transition from university to industry in wireless communications.
Presentations include Open6GHub Germany, addressing sub-6 GHz to THz spectrum; millimeter-wave and sub-THz technology for 5G and 6G; energy-efficient 6G transceiver architectures; and the transition from university to industry in wireless communications.
Driving patient safety and business value with operational serialization and T&T"Pharma TRACKTS! is the leading event on serialization and traceability. Taking place in Berlin, this event brings together over 300 top serialization, track & trace, and supply chain experts from the pharmaceutical industry. Join now to discuss compliance and beyond with your peers.
Platform to researchers, scientists, academicians,policymakers,industry experts to share experiences"The International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (ICIPVE-2023) will provide a platform for researchers, scientists, academicians, and industry experts to share experiences and discuss research findings in the field. It aims to connect and engage with scholars from Asia and Australia and offers the opportunity for selected papers to be published in internationally indexed journals. The conference will also provide valuable feedback to students on their research and writing skills, as well as connect them with professors and researchers for future opportunities and collaborations.