
En línea Viajes, Entretenimiento, Ocio, Deportes Mayo 2023

4 events

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05–07 may 2023
In the land of pink brick, cassoulet and violets, is organized each year a delicate alchemy fully intended to showcase the breadth and depth of the game world today: the Festival of the game in Toulouse. In a friendly and festive, you are invited to discover a multitude of games: board games, card games, miniatures games, traditional games, oversized games, etc.. All these games are free and freely available, and friendly and motivated facilitators are present to accompany you on a fabulous journey fun.
12–14 may 2023
In particular, the eleven-event areas this year were adopted by a very enthusiastic response from visitors. Inlet fans at the golfers found the event "Chip on Majorca," presented by the Mallorcan Tourist Board Ibatur where long waiting lines formed at an early stage. Golf accessories Golf tourism Training Facilities Services Tourism Type Training
15–17 may 2023
Each year the International Hotel Investment Forum (IHIF) in Berlin attracts the most influential faces in the industry as speakers and attendees. Why? Because IHIF is the global hotel investment community’s annual meeting place. No other event brings together over 1500 investors, operators, developers and industry players and consistently offers unrivalled educational and networking opportunities. The IHIF Advisory Board ensures that the conference programme tackles the most topical and up-to-date issues affecting the industry. IHIF 2011 is no exception, with topics such as why the world economy is entering a new territory and its implications; alternative sources and forms of financing; digital trends CEO’s need to be aware of; taking and giving bribes and the old chestnut, does a brand enhance asset value? It’s all there and so should you be!
IMEX is the show that exceeds your expectations every time. The trail-blazing exhibition has unleashed the energy of the global meetings industry with new ideas, new vision and a passion for business amongst record numbers of exhibitors. IMEX is the show that exceeds your expectations every time. The trail-blazing exhibition has unleashed the energy of the global meetings industry with new ideas, new vision and a passion for business amongst record numbers of exhibitors.