
Заходи Бельгія Березень 2023

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Value for money & face-to-face zakendoen Hoe meer onze zakelijke communicatie multimediaal en gedigitaliseerd wordt en hoe meer onze mobiliteit daalt, hoe meer aandacht er is voor schaarse momenten waarop een face-to-face gesprek kan gebeuren in een gezellig kader. Het creëren van het juiste kader en de juiste infrastructuur om commercieel en gericht te “netwerken” wordt de missie van het team van Invent Media, organisatoren van o.a. Indumation.be en Metapro 2013.
08–10 берез. 2023
The People Development Summit offers UK L&D professionals a unique opportunity for focused business networking. The Summit will take place for the 12th successive year.  The People Development Summit is an apportunity for senior L&D professionals with control of a budget of around £250k to improve their contact and knowledge base. Key benefits for L&D Directors: 1. Identify and meet in just 3 days a range of solutions providers who might be of value to your business, now or in the future. This is a great way of surveying the market place, on neutral ground and of course, with no obligation. 2. Participate in the Strategy Group programme of discussion-based seminar sessions, offering you the chance to pick up tips and compare notes with your peers in a confidential environment. Choose which sessions to attend before the event. Why solutions providers should attend: You are guaranteed a minimum number of 1:1 business meetings with buyers. The buyers also participate in the meeting selection process so, in most cases, the meetings that occur will have been selected by both sides. This tends to produce the most effective and open discussions and is most likely to bring results of benefit to both parties. All buyers are carefully pre-qualified to ensure that they have the budget, the authority and the need.
12–15 берез. 2023
Tout le monde y va parce que tout le monde y est... ! HORECATEL s'adresse exclusivement aux professionnels du secteur HORECA : hôteliers, restaurateurs, cafetiers, cuisiniers, gérants de collectivités et les nombreux autres professionnels des métiers de bouche ! HORECATEL est le salon de référence avec 350 exposants sur une surface d'exposition de 19.000 m2. Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer !
Habitat & Brico look forward to seeing you on 20 and 21 June 2012 at the Grand Palais in Lille The choice of Lille is strategic for you! The annual meeting of the Distribution of Supplies and Housing, is geographically closer to major retailers such as Castorama, Adeo Group, the mail order companies and mass distribution of our European neighbors Located downtown, the Grand Palais in Lille is easily accessible regardless of the mode of transport for both manufacturers and buyers Lille is part of the circle of 15 clusters with worldwide!