
Догађаји Некретнине, инвестиције Беч, Аустрија 2023

2 events

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23–26 феб 2023
The slogan "Let's do it" was in this year's HOME & GARDEN Trade Fair from 04.-07. March diligently follow and so it was done with over 25,000 visitors a sensational previous year are more than confirmed. On Thursday, the seniors was dedicated to special offers such as free bus and discounts were well accepted. During the consultation forum pensioners had the opportunity to get to the District Commission Wiener Neustadt detailed tips. The energy was consulting with advice. Particularly high this year, demand for alternative energy. It was good that this year three new photovoltaic providers were represented. However, heat exchangers and renewable forms of energy were sought. EVN pointed to potential savings, such as how power-hungry household locates, or can minimize heat loss to the facade. "How can you afford that?" With this question of many property developers were the computing experts from banks and housing finance institutions face. Among others, the Wiener Neustadt savings bank, for ten years of loyal partner and sponsor of HOUSE & GARDEN. Thanks to creative financing plans and the identification of many funding opportunities affordable answers were found. Manufactured in high quality equipment has been given extra attention. Whether branded kitchen, solid wood furniture and tasteful tile stoves, the selection was great. The expert audience is interested in all facets of the domestic construction industry where the investment entgegenkam very joy of course. The issue of security of home ownership and took not only the number of alarm companies, but also the Federal Police in their technical discussions.
10–11 сеп 2023
International trade fair for energy, room and building technology featuring future issues: safety and security, network installaations and operations. The world of relaxation baths and spa amenities Heating / Energy Technology Installation technology and accessories Temperature regulation, air conditioning and ventilation
Оглашавање, маркетинг, штампа Пољопривреда Архитектура Лепота, мода, одећа, козметика Бизнис, финансије, банкарство Култура, Уметност Дизајн, поклони, намештај Електроника, Електрични производи Храна, пиће, паковање Здравство, Апотека Хоби, занати Хотели, ресторани, угоститељство ИТ, Е-трговина Накит, луксузна роба Деца, играчке Филмови, позориште, ТВ Музика, плес Остало Лични развој, психологија Некретнине, инвестиције Сигурност Наука, образовање, проналасци Друштво, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Путовања, забава, слободно време, спорт Хемијска индустрија, пластика и гума Сајмови потрошача Уштеда енергије, заштита животне средине, екологија, пречишћавање, коришћење Индустрија догађаја Индустријска опрема, Алати, Електроника Makineri, Metalurgji, Përpunimi i Metaleve, Saldimi Мултисекторски догађаји Нафта, гас, рударство Онлине сајмови Снага, енергетика Главни догађаји