Online Real Estate, Investime POWERBUILDING

28 Shtator 2022 - 29 Shtator 2022
Aplikacioni celular i ngjarjeve
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Rreth ngjarjes
In the particularly sensitive building area "Data Center", the interfaces between Building & IT intensive dialogue between the IT and data center managers require with colleagues from the building management, climate and energy technology, as well as with the security executives of the company. As well, the high energy-efficient green building requirements for integrated planning and cost-conscious building manager and operators. 2010 gives the double-Congress "power building & DATA CENTER CONVENTION" year cross-section of knowledge and expert knowledge, is the networking platform for innovative technology drivers and data center managers, energy experts, facility and building managers who look beyond their "backyards".
Vendi i ngjarjes
Adresë: Vjena, Austria