Online Udhëtim, Argëtim, Kohë të Lirë, Sporte CFT - Camping, Freizeit, Touristik

01 Shkurt 2023 - 02 Shkurt 2023
Aplikacioni celular i ngjarjeve
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Rreth ngjarjes
The caravan & outdoor - the exhibition for the mobile leisure and fascination about the new fish on the first weekend we start the outdoor season in 2011! The trend of countries and landscapes and even to travel independently, continues unabated and the optimum condition for the caravan & outdoor. The second weekend picks up with the bike is active, the holiday fair and fit for life, not only new target groups, but also provides additional potential customers.
Vendi i ngjarjes
Adresë: Frajburgu, Gjermania