16 Qershor 2023 - 18 Qershor 2023
Aplikacioni celular i ngjarjeve
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Rreth ngjarjes
BABYWELT has more than 45.000 visitors in three major cities and has become Germany's leading consumer trade fair geared towards children. It brings together international and national players, regional children dealers and individual suppliers from all industries dealing with issues of pregnancy, birth and. Offers a unique opportunity BABYWELT to present products to live a sophisticated and demanding audience with great purchasing power. An exceptionally high number of interested visitors who are on the lookout for current trends and innovative products and who therefore have a high need for specialized information will be reached. The aim of BABYWELT is to accompany expectant parents and young families with children ranging from 0 to 6 years on their journey towards family happiness.
Vendi i ngjarjes
Adresë: Hamburgu, Gjermania