
Мероприятия Еда, напитки, упаковка Швейцария 2023

6 мероприятий




10 years old and very trendy! The 10th Schlaraffia was not only the most diverse in the 10-year success story of Eastern Switzerland, but also has more visitors than ever under her spell. The organizers are grateful to more than 11,000 visitors (previous year: 10,000) and over 130 exhibitors!
Mr. Fabien Carruzzo, a candidate for a doctorate in neurosciences from the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, will defend his thesis titled "Reward anticipation deficits as neuro-behavioral markers of negative symptoms in the continuum of psychosis" under the supervision of Pr Stefan Kaiser from the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine UNIGE.
You are invited to join the launch of the "Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators 2023" report by the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva and FAO Office of Chief Statistician (OCS).
25 сент. 2023
E-Printing is an important technology that goes beyond traditional paper printing. In recent years, new areas have developed, where printing techniques are being used in industrial manufacturing. These areas include organic and printed opto-electronics, micro-optical, bio-medical, MEMS fabrication and packaging, 3D rapid prototyping, flexible substrate, and roll-to-roll technologies. Switzerland has already made progress in the field of E-printing, and the Swiss e-Print conference will provide an opportunity for professionals to find potential partnerships in this emerging manufacturing discipline that spans various fields such as tools, ink materials, surfaces, chemistry & physics, electronics, and optics.