Konferencija Sveikatos priežiūra, vaistinė Lyotalk largest conference in freeze- drying/ lyophilization 2023

27 liepa 2023 - 27 liepa 2023
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Apie renginį
Largest conference in Freeze Drying-Lyophilization"Lyotalk, the largest annual conference on Lyophilization/Freeze Drying in the USA, draws over 150 experts from pharma, biotech and academia worldwide for two days of learning and networking. The event covers a range of topics on formulation, production, and regulatory affairs. The conference includes presentations, case studies, interactive round tables, panel discussions, and workshops led by industry experts. Day one focuses on talks and presentations, while day two is dedicated to workshops and training.
Adresas: Clayton Hotel Cardiff Lane, Dublinas, Airija
Clayton Hotel Cardiff Lane, Dublin, Ireland