En línea Publicidad, marketing, impresión Österreichische Medientage

21 septiembre 2022 - 22 septiembre 2022
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"Courage" is the motto of the 18th 15n Media Days, which take place in conjunction with the Online Day 15 in Vienna's city hall. With keynote speakers who have in their career several times showed courage: German Environment critic and philosopher, Club of Rome co-founder and scientist Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, the rebellious Nicholas Carr, a columnist and an internationally renowned bloggers and non-fiction author who newspaper publisher Bodo Hombach, for the abandonment or resignation occurs not in the vocabulary, to cite just a few highlights. Courage runs like a thread through all the speeches, panels and debates on the Red Sofa. Courage to imagination, the courage to companies, the courage to education - a very important subject for a knowledge-based country like 15, the courage to decelerate in a fragmented world of digital madness, courage and creativity, and courage to be uncomfortable. The media days will be held ideas: the already established online Day 15 immediately thereafter, the Section Meeting of the Advertising Association in Vienna, which is this year of the "importance of communication," dedicated to the special exhibition on migration media "MMM - Media Mass Migration 2012", thus making possible a complete receives new platform.
Dirección: Viena, Austria