
En línea Ciencia, Educación, Invenciones Colmar, Francia 2022

1 events
26–27 nov 2022
"Strange forests?" In 2012 in honor of the International Year of the Forest launched by the United Nations and as a tribute to those who tell. Haunted or enchanted, threatened or threatening, or dream place of solitude, away from wild animals and elves, shadow and green lung of the world, it is a world widely treated in the literature including the nature writing, the black novel and fantastic stories of soils, or fairy tales and sagas of vampires. Writers, illustrators and storytellers will be invited wood letters of the event. While it is too early to call the guest list, the writer Pierre Pelot Vosges has already agreed to be the guest of honor. With this 23th edition, always a development of chain business book authors, illustrators, publishers, book regional centers, bookstores and associations.