
Conferencia Sanidad, Farmacia Alemania 2023

13 events
21 ago 2023
We take great pleasure in welcoming Professors, Students & Experts who belong to the Surgery field for the Virtual Conference on 5th Annual Summit on Surgery and Transplantation, May 26-27, 2022 virtually
Join the inaugural mRNA Analytical Development Summit Europe in Berlin to gain a better understanding of advanced analytical platforms for mRNA therapeutics and vaccines. This industry-dedicated forum showcases critical expertise and the latest techniques in optimised analytics, ensuring the quality, efficacy, and safety of your products. Don't miss this must-attend meeting for Analytical Development, Quality Control, CMC, and Regulatory Experts looking to stay at the forefront of mRNA development.
Join us for the International Conference On Pediatric Liver Disease in Hamburg. Our goal is to bring together healthcare professionals to share knowledge on the latest research and treatment methods. This year's symposium will focus on neonatal cholestatis, liver transplantation ethics, metabolic hepatopathies and liver immunology, with interactive case discussions. We are collaborating with the European Reference Network on Rare Liver Diseases.
HAE International (HAEi) is excited to announce the upcoming HAEi Regional Conference EMEA in Munich, Germany. The conference aims to unite individuals from various regions and focuses on the theme "Take Action". With an expected attendance of 450 participants, including patients, caregivers, physicians/scientists, and industry sponsors, the conference will provide an opportunity for networking, learning, and improving the quality of life for people with HAE. Translation services will be available in over 20 languages. Join us in Munich for this impactful event!
The European Health Psychology Society Annual Conference will focus on "Health Psychology for all: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Transformation". It aims to promote research and applications of health psychology in Europe and foster international collaboration.