
Eventos Hoteles, Restaurantes, Catering Alemania 2023

4 events
13–14 feb 2023
Die Messe Nordgastro & Hotel Husum ist eine Fachmesse für Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Zahlreiche Aussteller präsentieren auf der Nord Gastro Messe Husum ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen für für Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Gemeinschaftsverpflegung, Catering und Partyservice. Das Angebotsspektrum umfasst dabei die Themenbereiche Küchentechnik, Hotel- und Gastronomie Einrichtung, Getränke, Heißgetränke und Spirituosen, Nahrungsmittel, Back- und Fleischwaren, sowie EDV, Kassensysteme und entsprechende Software. Ein innovatives Rahmen- und Vortragsprogramm mit Kochvorführungen rundet das Angebotsspektrum der Husumer Nordgastro & Hotel Messe ab.   Restaurant Furnishings Hotel Equipment Foodstuff Luxury Foodstuff
26 feb — 02 mar 2023
Europe’s leading Trade Fair for IT and Security in Retail, closed on Thursday (4 March 2010) in Düsseldorf. The exhibitors, visitors and trade fair organizers said they were extremely satisfied with the course of the event. Over three days, 190 exhibitors from 22 nations presented forward-looking IT and security solutions for all sectors of the retail trade. A total of 5,400 trade visitors came to the Rhine to inform themselves about the range of products and services specifically tailored to the retail trade and its partners.
10–14 mar 2023
International Trade Fair for the Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Baking and Confectionery Trades. Internorga is Europe’s leading trade fair and biggest of its kind. It is the unchallenged top sector event for decisionmakers and head buyers from the hotel trade and from restaurants, caterers, bakeries and confectioners. It is also the leading fair for trends and innovations: here you can present new and existing products and ideas, show customers your visions of tomorrow, and demonstrate your claim to leadership.  Internorga offers you excellent opportunities for discussing ideas with partners and customers. Its significance as a forum for making or keeping up business contacts has grown in recent years and is already at a high level.   Exhibition Sections: Food and beverages, Bakery and confectionery, Furniture and equipment, Technologies and environment, Organization and communications.