Forum SEF 2021 DIGITAL

26 Oktober 2021 - 28 Oktober 2021
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Über Ihre Veranstaltung
SEF 2021 DIGITAL is a two days unique online event dedicated to all the segments of renewable energy and all European emerging markets. In particular, our focus will be pointed to the Balkan market, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, and the Baltic countries. Our mission is to gather members of the global energy innovation community in a new digital way that has no limits and borders. The goal of the event is to bring people from the international field of renewable energy together to give them inspiration about how to develop their projects in times of new social and economic reality. Outstanding experts that present the SEF 2021 DIGITAL line of speakers will provoke the two days discussion about the global energy and fuel market transformation, markets of solar, wind, bio and hydrogen energy, energy storage, distributed energy generation, and new business models for the niche market development.
Adresse: Online, Kiew, Ukraine
Online, Kyiv, Ukraine
IB Centre