
Cъбития Енергия, енергетика Шанхай, Китай Август 2023

3 events

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Committed to connecting the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain"The global new round of technological and industrial transformation is booming, and the integration of related technologies in the fields of automotive energy, transportation, information and communication is accelerating. Electricity, networking, and intelligence have become the development trend of the automobile industry. New energy vehicles are the main direction for the transformation and upgrading of the global automobile industry, as well as the strategic choice for the high-quality development of China's automobile industry. Profound changes are taking place in automobile product forms, transportation modes, energy consumption structure and social operation modes, which provide unprecedented development opportunities for the new energy automobile industry.
Gathering of Petrochemical and Chemical Industry"Shanghai International Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe Shanghai) has been successfully held for 14 years. In 2023, with an exhibition space around 70,000sqm, it is expected to welcome about 1,000 exhibitors and 100,000 visitors. cippe Shanghai is an important platform for cooperation and sharing within the petrochemical and chemical industry in China. It covers six major exhibit areas, including petrochemical and chemical equipment, instrumentation and automation, explosion-proof electrics, safety protection and emergency management, medical chemical materials, plastics and rubbers. Additionally, it also covers technologies and products for chemical plants, storage, transportation, packaging and pressure vessels, environmental protection, pumps and vacuum equipment, valves, seals, fans, compressors, separation and filtration, evaporation and crystallization, drying equipment, new materials, and more. Welcome to participate in!
Batteries, coating machines, drying equipments,materials or accessories for batteries, etc"Shanghai International Lithium Battery Industry Fair will be held on Shanghai New International Expo Center, China. The exhibitions of new energy vehicles, super capacitors, charging equipments and energy storage will be held at the same time. The show area is expected to reach 30,000 square meters, while more than 600 exhibitors from the whole industry chain will show their latest products and technology at the scene. Furthermore, over 100 visitor groups and 35,000 people are going to visit the site with a purpose to purchase or communicate, making sense to promoting industrial innovation and development.
Реклама, Маркетинг, Печат Селско стопанство Архитектура Красота, Мода, Дрехи, Козметика Бизнес, финанси, банкиране Култура, Изкуства Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Електроника, Електрически стоки Храни, напитки, опаковки Здравеопазване, Фармация Хоби, Занаяти Хотели, Ресторанти, Кетъринг ИТ, електронна търговия Бижута, Луксозни стоки Деца, играчки Кино, театър, телевизия Музика, танци Други Личностно развитие, Психология Недвижими имоти, инвестиции Безопасност Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Пътуване, развлечения, свободно време, спорт Химическа промишленост, пластмаса и каучук Потребителски панаири Енергоспестяване, Опазване на околната среда, Екология, Пречистване, Оползотворяване Събитийна индустрия Промишлено оборудване, инструменти, електроника Машиностроене, Металургия, Металообработване, Заваряване Многосекторни събития Нефт, газ, минно дело Онлайн търговски изложения Енергия, енергетика Топ събития