
Cъбития Кампала, Уганда 2023

4 events

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Connect With The Construction Industry To Build A Better Tomorrow"Uganda Buildcon International Expo will showcase the Construction and Building Materials sector. This international Expo is for construction machinery, building material, and construction vehicles & will provide the construction sector with a professional platform for networking, investment, and the exchange of ideas and information. Uganda Buildcon is jointly organised by Exhibitions and Trade Services India Private Limited (ETSIPL) and Futurex Trade Fair & Events Private Limited.
The Advances in Geomatics Research Conference aims to promote and encourage scholarship in various Geomatics sub-disciplines, providing an affordable forum for academia, researchers, and practitioners in Uganda and the region to discuss and advance Geomatics Scholarship.
"African Dairy More than Just Milk"The 16th African Dairy Conference and Exhibition 16th AfDa is the premier event for the dairy industry in Africa This year's event promises to be a true celebration of all things dairy with fully integrated sessions handson workshops and an extensive exhibition showcasing the latest technologies and products from leading dairy industry suppliers Attendees will have the chance to learn from top industry experts network with likeminded professionals from across the world and gain valuable insights to help them stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry Whether you're a dairy farmer processor or supplier the 16th AfDa is the mustattend event of the year So don't miss out Register now and join us for an unforgettable experience
The International Conference for Women Birders (IC4WB) gives us time to recognize the women's participation in tourism particularly nature and bird guiding, appreciate the efforts of women from around the world who have been engaging nature through birds and bird watching.This was one of the reasons that led to the development of the International Conference for Women Birders to bring together people with common interests and discuss ideas and issues relating to creating equal opportunities for women birders across the globe.
Реклама, Маркетинг, Печат Селско стопанство Архитектура Красота, Мода, Дрехи, Козметика Бизнес, финанси, банкиране Култура, Изкуства Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Електроника, Електрически стоки Храни, напитки, опаковки Здравеопазване, Фармация Хоби, Занаяти Хотели, Ресторанти, Кетъринг ИТ, електронна търговия Бижута, Луксозни стоки Деца, играчки Кино, театър, телевизия Музика, танци Други Личностно развитие, Психология Недвижими имоти, инвестиции Безопасност Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Пътуване, развлечения, свободно време, спорт Химическа промишленост, пластмаса и каучук Потребителски панаири Енергоспестяване, Опазване на околната среда, Екология, Пречистване, Оползотворяване Събитийна индустрия Промишлено оборудване, инструменти, електроника Машиностроене, Металургия, Металообработване, Заваряване Многосекторни събития Нефт, газ, минно дело Онлайн търговски изложения Енергия, енергетика Топ събития