
Cъбития Есен, Германия Януари 2023

2 events

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Hochzeitsmesse Essen is one of the largest wedding fairs in Germany and is held annually together with Essener Babymesse in the Messezentrum in Essen. The event presents the latest trends in bridal and men's fashion and provides the latest tips and information about marriages. Demonstrations on the stage and actions in the stands provide good entertainment. There are, e.g. a free program of lectures on the subject of marriages, workshops held by wedding experts, hair and beauty shows, dance courses, fashion shows and a big wedding lottery.
The internationality of the IPM ESSEN, international trade fair for plants, horticultural technology, floristics and sales promotion, is steadily increasing. When from 28th January to 31st January around 1400 exhibitors present their latest products and services at the 28th world fair for the green sector the proportion of foreign exhibitors will be higher than ever before. The joint participations from Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan and Hungary have grown particularly. Around 60 000 trade visitors expected at the end of January will be given an all-round view of the latest new developments in international horticulture and important impulses for making decisions on investments. The Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection has taken on the patronage of the fair. The Danish EU commissioner for agriculture and rural development, Mariann Fischer Boel, will be making a welcoming speech at the official opening ceremony and then presenting the Floradania Award in the "Denmark Hall". Green Plants Potflowers Vegetables Nursery Products Cut Flowers Seeds Green Houses Plant Protection Fertilizer Irrigation Plants Gardening Material Florists' Articles Sales Promotion Shop Construction Shop Fittings Transport Equipment Utility Vehicles Trailers Garden Articles Grounds Services  
Реклама, Маркетинг, Печат Селско стопанство Архитектура Красота, Мода, Дрехи, Козметика Бизнес, финанси, банкиране Култура, Изкуства Дизайн, Подаръци, Мебели Електроника, Електрически стоки Храни, напитки, опаковки Здравеопазване, Фармация Хоби, Занаяти Хотели, Ресторанти, Кетъринг ИТ, електронна търговия Бижута, Луксозни стоки Деца, играчки Кино, театър, телевизия Музика, танци Други Личностно развитие, Психология Недвижими имоти, инвестиции Безопасност Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, Политика Транспорт, Логистика Пътуване, развлечения, свободно време, спорт Химическа промишленост, пластмаса и каучук Потребителски панаири Енергоспестяване, Опазване на околната среда, Екология, Пречистване, Оползотворяване Събитийна индустрия Промишлено оборудване, инструменти, електроника Машиностроене, Металургия, Металообработване, Заваряване Многосекторни събития Нефт, газ, минно дело Онлайн търговски изложения Енергия, енергетика Топ събития